ETF constituents for DFND

Below, a list of constituents for DFND (iShares Global Aerospace & Defence UCITS ETF) is shown. In total, DFND consists of 82 securities.

Note: The data shown here is as of date Feb. 17, 2025 (the latest that can be sourced directly from the fund provider).

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Emittententicker Name Sektor Marktwert Gewichtung (%) Kurs
GE GE AEROSPACE Industrie 33.361.729,95 1428.0 208,27
RTX RTX CORP Industrie 24.100.815,26 1032.0 122,41
BA BOEING Industrie 20.406.810,68 874.0 184,42
AIR AIRBUS GROUP Industrie 16.343.088,35 700.0 178,68
LMT LOCKHEED MARTIN CORP Industrie 13.216.223,70 566.0 423,19
SAF SAFRAN SA Industrie 13.195.407,78 565.0 264,19
TDG TRANSDIGM GROUP INC Industrie 10.923.547,28 468.0 1.314,19
RR. ROLLS-ROYCE HOLDINGS PLC Industrie 10.084.835,09 432.0 8,01
GD GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP Industrie 9.235.333,68 395.0 241,94
NOC NORTHROP GRUMMAN CORP Industrie 8.899.575,30 381.0 438,90
HWM HOWMET AEROSPACE INC Industrie 8.023.478,54 344.0 133,42
BA. BAE SYSTEMS PLC Industrie 7.540.824,70 323.0 16,87
AXON AXON ENTERPRISE INC Industrie 7.329.572,25 314.0 683,41
RHM RHEINMETALL AG Industrie 6.284.251,41 269.0 976,27
LHX L3HARRIS TECHNOLOGIES INC Industrie 5.550.667,29 238.0 197,61
MTX MTU AERO ENGINES HOLDING AG Industrie 2.853.572,04 122.0 358,40
HO THALES SA Industrie 2.450.717,85 105.0 186,85
LDO LEONARDO FINMECCANICA SPA Industrie 2.151.868,24 92.0 35,90
TXT TEXTRON INC Industrie 1.989.940,68 85.0 72,28
HEIA HEICO CORP CLASS A Industrie 1.958.211,28 84.0 177,68
CW CURTISS WRIGHT CORP Industrie 1.835.776,00 79.0 323,20
012450 HANWHA AEROSPACE LTD Industrie 1.782.188,39 76.0 400,22
WWD WOODWARD INC Industrie 1.647.246,43 71.0 186,53
MRO MELROSE INDUSTRIES PLC Industrie 1.483.591,17 64.0 8,11
BWXT BWX TECHNOLOGIES INC Industrie 1.444.768,92 62.0 106,83
KOG KONGSBERG GRUPPEN Industrie 1.441.020,40 62.0 110,74
RKLB ROCKET LAB USA INC CLASS A Industrie 1.435.576,68 61.0 28,02
HEI HEICO CORP Industrie 1.307.432,00 56.0 220,85
SAAB B SAAB CLASS B Industrie 1.280.449,49 55.0 26,54
CAE CAE INC Industrie 1.264.441,09 54.0 26,78
USD USD CASH Cash und/oder Derivate 1.146.251,39 49.0 100,00
ESLT ELBIT SYSTEMS LTD Industrie 1.072.066,48 46.0 292,12
HII HUNTINGTON INGALLS INDUSTRIES INC Industrie 938.591,40 40.0 161,27
S63 SINGAPORE TECHNOLOGIES ENGINEERING Industrie 840.790,45 36.0 3,73
HXL HEXCEL CORP Industrie 791.794,18 34.0 65,47
MOGA MOOG INC CLASS A Industrie 771.092,36 33.0 181,69
BBD.B BOMBARDIER INC CLASS B Industrie 770.329,52 33.0 60,09
AVAV AEROVIRONMENT INC Industrie 651.979,47 28.0 156,99
AM DASSAULT AVIATION SA Industrie 647.545,07 28.0 244,17
KTOS KRATOS DEFENSE AND SECURITY SOLUTI Industrie 603.060,64 26.0 27,16
BAB BABCOCK INTERNATIONAL GROUP PLC Industrie 592.540,57 25.0 7,99
SPR SPIRIT AEROSYSTEMS INC CLASS A Industrie 592.364,15 25.0 34,51
ACHR ARCHER AVIATION INC CLASS A Industrie 446.995,80 19.0 10,35
HAG HENSOLDT AG Industrie 437.893,77 19.0 48,52
047810 KOREA AEROSPACE INDUSTRIES LTD Industrie 399.124,02 17.0 37,66
QQ. QINETIQ GROUP PLC Industrie 363.074,32 16.0 4,94
AIR AAR CORP Industrie 342.302,40 15.0 64,83
MRCY MERCURY SYSTEMS INC Industrie 337.820,00 14.0 44,45
079550 LIG NEX1 LTD Industrie 327.058,68 14.0 194,56
DRS LEONARDO DRS INC Industrie 320.874,66 14.0 29,07
TGI TRIUMPH GROUP INC Industrie 295.013,36 13.0 25,31
272210 HANWHA SYSTEMS LTD Industrie 265.422,07 11.0 23,83
LOAR LOAR HOLDINGS INC Industrie 179.208,20 8.0 68,14
CDRE CADRE HOLDINGS INC Industrie 137.431,05 6.0 35,05
DCO DUCOMMUN INC Industrie 128.123,97 5.0 62,53
VVX V2X INC Industrie 79.301,45 3.0 44,93
DRO DRONESHIELD LTD Industrie 51.831,33 2.0 0,39
9348 ISPACE INC Industrie 35.980,58 2.0 4,14
099320 SATREC INITIATIVE LTD Industrie 32.591,73 1.0 37,25
AUD AUD CASH Cash und/oder Derivate 6.450,10 0.0 63,65
MLIFT CASH COLLATERAL USD MLIFT Cash und/oder Derivate 6.000,00 0.0 100,00
JPY JPY CASH Cash und/oder Derivate 2.369,99 0.0 0,66
ILS ILS CASH Cash und/oder Derivate 1.208,47 0.0 28,10
KRW KRW/USD Cash und/oder Derivate 35,80 0.0 1,00
MARGIN_EUR FUTURES EUR MARGIN BALANCE Cash und/oder Derivate -0,01 0.0 104,80
NOK NOK/USD Cash und/oder Derivate -2,01 0.0 1,00
GBP GBP/USD Cash und/oder Derivate -0,12 0.0 1,00
AUD AUD/USD Cash und/oder Derivate 0,27 0.0 1,00
JPY JPY/USD Cash und/oder Derivate 2,21 0.0 1,00
IXIH5 XAI INDUSTRIAL MAR 25 Cash und/oder Derivate 0,00 0.0 1.390,90
SGD SGD/USD Cash und/oder Derivate -21,69 0.0 1,00
SEK SEK/USD Cash und/oder Derivate -11,77 0.0 1,00
CAD CAD/USD Cash und/oder Derivate -36,33 0.0 1,00
GBP GBP/USD Cash und/oder Derivate -228,93 0.0 1,00
EUR EUR/USD Cash und/oder Derivate -1.619,15 0.0 1,00
SGD SGD CASH Cash und/oder Derivate -6.468,17 0.0 74,57
NOK NOK CASH Cash und/oder Derivate -6.804,62 0.0 9,00
SEK SEK CASH Cash und/oder Derivate -9.858,29 0.0 9,34
KRW KRW CASH Cash und/oder Derivate -14.355,63 -1.0 0,07
CAD CAD CASH Cash und/oder Derivate -19.045,28 -1.0 70,48
GBP GBP CASH Cash und/oder Derivate -261.821,78 -11.0 126,07
EUR EUR CASH Cash und/oder Derivate -542.345,49 -23.0 104,80