ETF constituents for ECH

Below, a list of constituents for ECH (iShares MSCI Chile ETF) is shown. In total, ECH consists of 32 securities.

Note: The data shown here is as of date Dec 31, 2024 (the latest that can be sourced directly from the fund provider).

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Ticker Name Sector Asset Class Market Value Weight (%)
CHILE BANCO DE CHILE Financials Equity 70413322.63 13.22
SQM.B SOCIEDAD QUIMICA Y MINERA DE CHILE Materials Equity 64677935.83 12.14
BSANTANDER BANCO SANTANDER CHILE Financials Equity 44331340.5 8.32
FALABELLA FALABELLA SACI SA Consumer Discretionary Equity 40254806.68 7.56
CENCOSUD CENCOSUD SA Consumer Staples Equity 28440483.56 5.34
LTM LATAM AIRLINES GROUP SA Industrials Equity 24610080.98 4.62
BCI BANCO DE CREDITO E INVERSION Financials Equity 24008602.37 4.51
COPEC EMPRESAS COPEC SA Consumer Discretionary Equity 23615366.33 4.43
CMPC EMPRESAS CMPC SA Materials Equity 22693476.99 4.26
ANDINA.B EMBOTELLADORA ANDINA SERIES B SA Consumer Staples Equity 18389075.91 3.45
PARAUCO PARQUE ARAUCO SA Real Estate Equity 16647487.62 3.12
COLBUN COLBUN MACHICURA SA Utilities Equity 15436554.91 2.9
AGUAS.A AGUAS ANDINAS SA Utilities Equity 13810454.24 2.59
ENELAM ENEL AMERICAS SA Utilities Equity 13717382.27 2.57
ITAUCL BANCO ITAU CHILE Financials Equity 12900417.22 2.42
CCU COMPANIA CERVECERIAS UNIDAS SA Consumer Staples Equity 12313722.26 2.31
MALLPLAZA PLAZA SA Real Estate Equity 11312859.62 2.12
ENELCHILE ENEL CHILE SA Utilities Equity 9928503.45 1.86
CONCHATORO VINA CONCHA Y TORO INC Consumer Staples Equity 9928205.28 1.86
SMU SMU SA Consumer Staples Equity 9496263.9 1.78
ECL ENGIE ENERGIA CHILE SA Utilities Equity 9241311.16 1.73
ENTEL EMPRESA NACIONAL DE TELECOMUNICACI Communication Equity 8220947.8 1.54
SECURITY GRUPO SECURITY SA Financials Equity 7221320.84 1.36
ILC INVERSIONES LA CONSTRUCCION SA Financials Equity 6490196.54 1.22
CAP CAP SA Materials Equity 6110342.62 1.15
XTSLA BLK CSH FND TREASURY SL AGENCY Cash and/or Derivatives Money Market 1330000.0 0.25
CLP CLP CASH Cash and/or Derivatives Cash 128533.18 0.02
HBCFT CASH COLLATERAL USD HBCFT Cash and/or Derivatives Cash Collateral and Margins 31000.0 0.01
MESH5 MSCI EMER MKT INDEX (ICE) MAR 25 Cash and/or Derivatives Futures 0.0 0.0
USD USD CASH Cash and/or Derivatives Cash -326763.0 -0.06
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