ETF constituents for ILF

Below, a list of constituents for ILF (iShares Latin America 40 ETF) is shown. In total, ILF consists of 52 securities.

Note: The data shown here is as of date Jan 31, 2025 (the latest that can be sourced directly from the fund provider).

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Ticker Name Sector Asset Class Market Value Weight (%)
NU NU HOLDINGS LTD CLASS A Financials Equity 135971088.9 10.42
VALE VALE ADR REPRESENTING ONE SA Materials Equity 106321233.44 8.14
ITUB ITAU UNIBANCO HOLDING ADR REP PRE Financials Equity 89653855.83 6.87
PBR PETROLEO BRASILEIRO ADR REPTG SA Energy Equity 80943384.72 6.2
GFNORTEO GPO FINANCE BANORTE Financials Equity 56299283.72 4.31
GMEXICOB GRUPO MEXICO B Materials Equity 49031756.78 3.76
FEMSAUBD FOMENTO ECONOMICO MEXICANO Consumer Staples Equity 47952294.39 3.67
AMXB AMERICA MOVIL B Communication Equity 44190595.51 3.39
BBAS3 BANCO DO BRASIL SA Financials Equity 43736341.33 3.35
WEGE3 WEG SA Industrials Equity 41960333.16 3.21
WALMEX* WALMART DE MEXICO V Consumer Staples Equity 39924779.07 3.06
BAP CREDICORP LTD Financials Equity 38419228.4 2.94
BBD BANCO BRADESCO ADR REPTG PREF SA Financials Equity 35017815.14 2.68
B3SA3 B3 BRASIL BOLSA BALCAO SA Financials Equity 33390279.38 2.56
CEMEXCPO CEMEX CPO Materials Equity 30771276.97 2.36
ITSA4 ITAUSA INVESTIMENTOS ITAU PREF SA Financials Equity 30027276.61 2.3
SCCO SOUTHERN COPPER CORP Materials Equity 25880045.28 1.98
ABEV AMBEV ADR REPRESENTING ONE SA Consumer Staples Equity 25467449.9 1.95
CHILE BANCO DE CHILE Financials Equity 18353169.24 1.41
ELET3 CENTRAIS ELETR BRAS-ELETROBRAS Utilities Equity 18192548.84 1.39
RDOR3 REDE DOR SAO LUIZ SA Health Care Equity 16853846.7 1.29
SQM SOCIEDAD QUIMICA Y MINERA DE CHILE Materials Equity 16769823.82 1.28
AC* ARCA CONTINENTAL Consumer Staples Equity 15311157.13 1.17
RENT3 LOCALIZA RENT A CAR SA Industrials Equity 14511150.51 1.11
CIB BANCOLOMBIA ADR REPRESENTING PREF Financials Equity 13965687.63 1.07
GGB GERDAU SA ADR REPRESENTING PREF Materials Equity 12985988.4 0.99
BIMBOA GRUPO BIMBO A Consumer Staples Equity 12195152.57 0.93
VIV TELEFONICA BRASIL ADS REPRESENTING Communication Equity 11322262.4 0.87
BSAC BANCO SANTANDER CHILE ADR REPRESEN Financials Equity 10740215.7 0.82
CENCOSUD CENCOSUD SA Consumer Staples Equity 10212489.14 0.78
GCARSOA1 GRUPO CARSO SERIES A1 Industrials Equity 9965200.0 0.76
USD USD CASH Cash and/or Derivatives Cash 9531093.31 0.73
FUNO11 FIBRA UNO ADMINISTRACION REIT Real Estate Equity 9448112.4 0.72
FALABELLA FALABELLA SACI SA Consumer Discretionary Equity 9366747.08 0.72
LTM LATAM AIRLINES GROUP SA Industrials Equity 9294565.7 0.71
COPEC EMPRESAS COPEC SA Consumer Discretionary Equity 7905306.11 0.61
EC ECOPETROL ADR REPRESENTING SA Energy Equity 7697965.25 0.59
CCRO3 COMPANHIA CONCESSOES RODOVIARIAS S Industrials Equity 6265507.09 0.48
ISA INTERCONEXION ELECTRICA SA Utilities Equity 5843526.52 0.45
CMPC EMPRESAS CMPC SA Materials Equity 5837792.21 0.45
ENELAM ENEL AMERICAS SA Utilities Equity 5523130.29 0.42
BRL BRL CASH Cash and/or Derivatives Cash 2377940.06 0.18
HBCFT CASH COLLATERAL USD HBCFT Cash and/or Derivatives Cash Collateral and Margins 608000.0 0.05
HBCFT CASH COLLATERAL MXN HBCFT Cash and/or Derivatives Cash Collateral and Margins 400344.91 0.03
MXN MXN CASH Cash and/or Derivatives Cash 331158.58 0.03
ETD_USD ETD USD BALANCE WITH C08544 HBCFT Cash and/or Derivatives Cash Collateral and Margins 229500.0 0.02
CLP CLP CASH Cash and/or Derivatives Cash 16115.74 0.0
COP COP CASH Cash and/or Derivatives Cash 0.0 0.0
ISH5 MEXICAN BOLSA INDEX FUTURE MAR 25 Cash and/or Derivatives Futures 0.0 0.0
MCBH5 BCLEAR MSCI BRAZIL INDEX MAR 25 Cash and/or Derivatives Futures 0.0 0.0
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