ETF constituents for LU1650489385

Below, a list of constituents for LU1650489385 (Lyxor Euro Government Bond 10-15Y (DR) UCITS ETF - Acc) is shown. In total, LU1650489385 consists of 29 securities.

Note: The data shown here is as of date 2021-11-10 00:00:00 (the latest that can be sourced directly from the fund provider).

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Instrument Type Ticker Bloomberg ISIN Instrument Name % weight Sector Spot underlying Underlying Currency
Bond nan FR0000187635 FRTR 5 3/4 10/25/32 0.07787513932233679 Government 161.93699645996094 EUR
Bond nan FR0013154044 FRTR 1 1/4 05/25/36 0.0647894285546635 Government 113.00199890136719 EUR
Bond nan FR0010070060 FRTR 4 3/4 04/25/35 0.064282623952664 Government 159.86900329589844 EUR
Bond nan FR0013313582 FRTR 1 1/4 05/25/34 0.05968670050914317 Government 112.36599731445312 EUR
Bond nan DE0001135226 DBR 4 3/4 07/04/34 0.055652052191491976 Government 164.86500549316406 EUR
Bond nan FR0014002WK3 FRTR 0 11/25/31 0.05117980686262636 Government 98.97699737548828 EUR
Bond nan IT0003535157 BTPS 5 08/01/34 0.05057391820961483 Government 146.2989959716797 EUR
Bond nan ES0000012411 SPGB 5 3/4 07/30/32 0.04908173430581081 Government 155.63699340820312 EUR
Bond nan BE0000304130 BGB 5 03/28/35 0.04496629288723666 Government 162.93899536132812 EUR
Bond nan IT0003256820 BTPS 5 3/4 02/01/33 0.04321018659219836 Government 151.0290069580078 EUR
Bond nan IT0005094088 BTPS 1.65 03/01/32 0.03588470950970341 Government 107.13400268554688 EUR
Bond nan ES0000012E69 SPGB 1.85 07/30/35 0.034666606738659726 Government 114.9749984741211 EUR
Bond nan ES00000128Q6 SPGB 2.35 07/30/33 0.031692408848310996 Government 120.31300354003906 EUR
Bond nan DE0001102515 DBR 0 05/15/35 0.031288949976936944 Government 101.9739990234375 EUR
Bond nan IT0005240350 BTPS 2.45 09/01/33 0.029741131410382374 Government 115.46700286865234 EUR
Bond nan NL0010071189 NETHER 2 1/2 01/15/33 0.027732459131716018 Government 129.072998046875 EUR
Bond nan DE0001102549 DBR 0 05/15/36 0.02765230304758842 Government 101.38700103759766 EUR
Bond nan IT0005358806 BTPS 3.35 03/01/35 0.025762337544902356 Government 126.98899841308594 EUR
Bond nan IT0005449969 BTPS 0.95 12/01/31 0.025762188535125664 Government 100.33300018310547 EUR
Bond nan IT0005177909 BTPS 2 1/4 09/01/36 0.023989747043317394 Government 113.8479995727539 EUR
Bond nan IT0005402117 BTPS 1.45 03/01/36 0.02035644724607784 Government 103.38200378417969 EUR
Bond nan BE0000333428 BGB 3 06/22/34 0.01678077884259652 Government 134.86099243164062 EUR
Bond nan BE0000326356 BGB 4 03/28/32 0.01647144199667062 Government 141.18099975585938 EUR
Bond nan BE0000346552 BGB 1 1/4 04/22/33 0.016170978682946792 Government 112.98400115966797 EUR
Bond nan AT0000A10683 RAGB 2.4 05/23/34 0.0150757326101643 Government 128.6490020751953 EUR
Bond nan PTOTEWOE0017 PGB 2 1/4 04/18/34 0.012449870218235346 Government 120.77200317382812 EUR
Bond nan IE00BFZRPZ02 IRISH 1.3 05/15/33 0.007796312587022961 Government 111.78500366210938 EUR
Bond nan PTOTENOE0034 PGB 0.9 10/12/35 0.00768735524133836 Government 103.37699890136719 EUR
Bond nan IE00BKFVC345 IRISH 0.4 05/15/35 0.007375674751018412 Government 100.59700012207031 EUR