ETF constituents for LU1650491282

Below, a list of constituents for LU1650491282 (Lyxor Core Euro Government Inflation-Linked Bond (DR) UCITS ETF - Acc) is shown. In total, LU1650491282 consists of 33 securities.

Note: The data shown here is as of date 2021-11-10 00:00:00 (the latest that can be sourced directly from the fund provider).

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Instrument Type Ticker Bloomberg ISIN Instrument Name % weight Sector Spot underlying Underlying Currency
Bond nan FR0011008705 FRANCE (GOVT OF) 1.85 25/07/2027 0.049557566948402625 Government 125.17898559570312 EUR
Bond nan DE0001030559 DBRI 0 1/2 04/15/30 0.046184026975791895 Government 125.23299407958984 EUR
Bond nan FR0010447367 FRANCE (GOVT OF) 1.8 25/07/2040 0.042369198499403585 Government 172.36000061035156 EUR
Bond nan IT0003745541 BUONI POLIENNALI DEL TE 2.35 15/09/2035 0.0388621544123375 Government 142.3160400390625 EUR
Bond nan IT0004243512 BUONI POLIENNALI DEL TES 2.6 15/09/2023 0.03872717883950808 Government 109.89604187011719 EUR
Bond nan FR0000188799 FRANCE (GOVT OF) 3.15 25/07/2032 0.037351808559871864 Government 159.35101318359375 EUR
Bond nan FR0010585901 FRANCE (GOVT OF) 2.1 25/07/2023 0.03683744259046365 Government 107.40999603271484 EUR
Bond nan IT0004545890 BUONI POLIENNALI DEL TE 2.55 15/09/2041 0.036445434903978606 Government 159.59701538085938 EUR
Bond nan FR0011982776 FRTR 0.7 07/25/30 0.036440696435493 Government 125.33797454833984 EUR
Bond nan FR0011427848 FRANCE (GOVT OF) 0.25 25/07/2024 0.03443256925331877 Government 108.49900817871094 EUR
Bond nan DE0001030567 DBRI 0.1 04/15/26 0.033944894421252834 Government 111.69599914550781 EUR
Bond nan FR0013209871 FRTR 0.1 07/25/47 0.03256361223164283 Government 146.28895568847656 EUR
Bond nan IT0005246134 BTPS 1.3 05/15/28 0.03255471270238802 Government 117.24402618408203 EUR
Bond nan DE0001030575 DBRI 0.1 04/15/46 0.032349092226759024 Government 167.71401977539062 EUR
Bond nan IT0005138828 BTPS 1 1/4 09/15/32 0.031241950182660114 Government 122.70502471923828 EUR
Bond nan DE0001030542 DEUTSCHLAND I/L BOND 0.1 15/04/2023 0.030918903603569383 Government 103.81903839111328 EUR
Bond nan ES00000127C8 SPGBEI 1 11/30/30 0.030099779978836227 Government 124.19603729248047 EUR
Bond nan IT0004735152 BUONI POLIENNALI DEL TES 3.1 15/09/2026 0.02907095863495403 Government 124.67704772949219 EUR
Bond nan FR0000186413 FRANCE (GOVT OF) 3.4 25/07/2029 0.02854709337730816 Government 143.27798461914062 EUR
Bond nan ES00000126A4 SPGBEI 1.8 11/30/24 0.0265088199245209 Government 113.66201782226562 EUR
Bond nan ES0000012C12 SPGBEI 0.7 11/30/33 0.02647661920000078 Government 125.1850357055664 EUR
Bond nan IT0005004426 BTPS 2.35 09/15/24 0.02635442482636485 Government 113.32796478271484 EUR
Bond nan FR0013238268 FRTR 0.1 03/01/28 0.02570255200320271 Government 112.5739974975586 EUR
Bond nan ES00000128S2 SPGBEI 0.65 11/30/27 0.025193982462225 Government 116.0370101928711 EUR
Bond nan IT0005387052 BTPS 0.4 05/15/30 0.02396878475399292 Government 112.10503387451172 EUR
Bond nan FR0012558310 FRTR 0.1 03/01/25 0.022370440102941383 Government 106.97303771972656 EUR
Bond nan FR0013327491 FRTR 0.1 07/25/36 0.020974897805341675 Government 127.83202362060547 EUR
Bond nan FR0013519253 FRTR 0.1 03/01/26 0.019425446549631017 Government 111.1380386352539 EUR
Bond nan FR0013410552 FRTR 0.1 03/01/29 0.019367934878471386 Government 116.63200378417969 EUR
Bond nan IT0005329344 BTPS 0.1 05/15/23 0.017874168077888764 Government 103.6259765625 EUR
Bond nan IT0005415416 BTPS 0.65 05/15/26 0.01252160413461624 Government 110.48896026611328 EUR
Bond nan IT0005436701 BTPS 0.15 05/15/51 0.012034290648024443 Government 105.81803131103516 EUR
Bond nan FR0014001N38 FRTR 0.1 07/25/31 0.010027911521146501 Government 120.55001068115234 EUR