Below, a list of constituents for TUR (iShares MSCI Turkey ETF) is shown. In total, TUR consists of 99 securities.
Note: The data shown here is as of date Oct 31, 2024 (the latest that can be sourced directly from the fund provider).
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Ticker | Name | Sector | Asset Class | Market Value | Weight (%) |
BIMAS.E | BIM BIRLESIK MAGAZALAR A | Consumer Staples | Equity | 13901636.63 | 7.92 |
AKBNK.E | AKBANK A | Financials | Equity | 11128006.55 | 6.34 |
KCHOL.E | KOC HOLDING A | Industrials | Equity | 9415695.5 | 5.36 |
TUPRS.E | TURKIYE PETROL RAFINERILERI A | Energy | Equity | 9221494.62 | 5.25 |
THYAO.E | TURK HAVA YOLLARI AO A | Industrials | Equity | 7929299.65 | 4.51 |
TCELL.E | TURKCELL ILETISIM HIZMETLERI A | Communication | Equity | 7783103.23 | 4.43 |
ISCTR.E | TURKIYE IS BANKASI C | Financials | Equity | 7373299.12 | 4.2 |
ASELS.E | ASELSAN ELEKTRONIK SANAYI VE TICAR | Industrials | Equity | 6927828.54 | 3.94 |
YKBNK.E | YAPI VE KREDI BANKASI A | Financials | Equity | 5977195.95 | 3.4 |
SAHOL.E | HACI OMER SABANCI HOLDING A | Financials | Equity | 5613350.42 | 3.2 |
FROTO.E | FORD OTOMOTIV SANAYI A | Consumer Discretionary | Equity | 5602515.21 | 3.19 |
EREGL.E | EREGLI DEMIR VE CELIK FABRIKALARI | Materials | Equity | 4739659.4 | 2.7 |
PGSUS.E | PEGASUS HAVA TASIMACILIGI A | Industrials | Equity | 4135970.13 | 2.35 |
TAVHL.E | TAV HAVALIMANLARI HOLDING A | Industrials | Equity | 4098484.53 | 2.33 |
AEFES.E | ANADOLU EFES BIRACILIK VE MALT SAN | Consumer Staples | Equity | 3666431.94 | 2.09 |
SISE.E | TURKIYE SISE VE CAM FABRIKALARI A | Industrials | Equity | 3649848.24 | 2.08 |
MGROS.E | MIGROS TICARET A | Consumer Staples | Equity | 3474979.14 | 1.98 |
SASA.E | SASA POLYESTER SANAYI A | Materials | Equity | 2678567.82 | 1.53 |
MPARK.E | MLP SAGLIK HIZMETLERI | Health Care | Equity | 2534671.69 | 1.44 |
CCOLA.E | COCA-COLA ICECEK A | Consumer Staples | Equity | 2533212.41 | 1.44 |
EKGYO.E | EMLAK KONUT GAYRIMENKUL YATIRIM OR | Real Estate | Equity | 2221368.84 | 1.26 |
MAVI.E | MAVI GIYIM SANAYI VE TICARET | Consumer Discretionary | Equity | 2008360.59 | 1.14 |
KRDMD.E | KARDEMIR KARABUK DEMIR CELIK SANAY | Materials | Equity | 1840834.06 | 1.05 |
ULKER.E | ULKER BISKUVI SANAYI A | Consumer Staples | Equity | 1798035.92 | 1.02 |
TKFEN.E | TEKFEN HOLDING A | Industrials | Equity | 1752715.98 | 1.0 |
PETKM.E | PETKIM PETROKIMYA HOLDING A | Materials | Equity | 1715525.44 | 0.98 |
NUHCM.E | NUH CIMENTO SANAYI A | Materials | Equity | 1676206.36 | 0.95 |
KOZAL.E | KOZA ALTIN ISLETMELERI A | Materials | Equity | 1662585.1 | 0.95 |
TOASO.E | TOFAS TURK OTOMOBIL FABRIKASI A | Consumer Discretionary | Equity | 1551387.42 | 0.88 |
ENJSA.E | ENERJISA ENERJI | Utilities | Equity | 1476463.79 | 0.84 |
AKSA.E | AKSA AKRILIK KIMYA SANAYI A | Consumer Discretionary | Equity | 1389060.84 | 0.79 |
DOHOL.E | DOGAN SIRKETLER GRUBU HOLDING A | Consumer Discretionary | Equity | 1386962.04 | 0.79 |
ALARK.E | ALARKO HOLDING A | Industrials | Equity | 1374540.53 | 0.78 |
KOZAA.E | KOZA ANADOLU METAL MADENCILIK ISLE | Materials | Equity | 1322148.34 | 0.75 |
ISMEN.E | IS YATIRIM MENKUL DEGERLER A | Financials | Equity | 1222417.29 | 0.7 |
RYSAS.E | REYSASIMACILIK VE LOJISTIK TICARET | Industrials | Equity | 1109717.19 | 0.63 |
OTKAR.E | OTOKAR OTOMOTIV SAVUNMA SANAYI | Industrials | Equity | 1081623.53 | 0.62 |
SOKM.E | SOK MARKETLER TICARET | Consumer Staples | Equity | 1041183.87 | 0.59 |
HEKTS.E | HEKTAS TICARET A | Materials | Equity | 1026518.52 | 0.58 |
ANSGR.E | ANADOLU ANONIM TURK SIGORTA SIRKET | Financials | Equity | 902022.14 | 0.51 |
TSKB.E | TURKIYE SINAI KALKINMA BANKASI A | Financials | Equity | 878338.67 | 0.5 |
OYAKC.E | OYAK CIMENTO FABRIKALARI A.S. | Materials | Equity | 876600.19 | 0.5 |
GUBRF.E | GUBRE FABRIKALARI A | Materials | Equity | 849733.1 | 0.48 |
KONTR.E | KONTROLMATIK TEKNOLOJI ENERJI VE M | Industrials | Equity | 841971.61 | 0.48 |
DOAS.E | DOGUS OTOMOTIV SERVIS VE TICARET A | Consumer Discretionary | Equity | 830882.76 | 0.47 |
VESBE.E | VESTEL BEYAZ ESYA SANAYI VE TICARE | Consumer Discretionary | Equity | 720087.18 | 0.41 |
VESTL.E | VESTEL ELEKTRONIK SANAYI VE TICARE | Consumer Discretionary | Equity | 719639.8 | 0.41 |
ZRGYO.E | ZIRAAT GAYRIMENKUL YATIRIM ORTAKLI | Real Estate | Equity | 716558.13 | 0.41 |
AHGAZ.E | AHLATCI DOGAL GAZ DAGITIM ENERJI V | Utilities | Equity | 693892.73 | 0.4 |
EGEEN.E | EGE ENDUSTRI VE TICARET A | Consumer Discretionary | Equity | 688942.34 | 0.39 |
CIMSA.E | CIMSA CIMENTO SANAYII VE TICARET A | Materials | Equity | 671872.63 | 0.38 |
TURSG.E | TURKIYE SIGORTA ANONIM SIRKETI | Financials | Equity | 647189.09 | 0.37 |
ENERY.E | ENERYA ENERJI A.S. | Utilities | Equity | 581218.56 | 0.33 |
MIATK.E | MIA TEKNOLOJI | Information Technology | Equity | 573184.57 | 0.33 |
BTCIM.E | BATICIM BATI ANADOLU CIMENTO SANAY | Materials | Equity | 561697.39 | 0.32 |
AGHOL.E | ANADOLU GRUBU HOLDING A | Industrials | Equity | 554117.04 | 0.32 |
GENIL.E | GEN ILAC VE SAGLIK URUNLERI SANAYI | Health Care | Equity | 536115.52 | 0.31 |
BRSAN.E | BORUSAN MANNESMANN BORU SANAYI VE | Materials | Equity | 525071.81 | 0.3 |
KLRHO.E | KILER HOLDING A.S. | Industrials | Equity | 513730.18 | 0.29 |
AYGAZ.E | AYGAZ A | Utilities | Equity | 502378.66 | 0.29 |
SELEC.E | SELCUK ECZA DEPOSU TICARET VE SANA | Health Care | Equity | 485516.92 | 0.28 |
TRGYO.E | TORUNLAR GAYRIMENKUL YATIRIM ORTAK | Real Estate | Equity | 458667.7 | 0.26 |
ZOREN.E | ZORLU ENERJI ELEKTRIK URETIMI A | Utilities | Equity | 448933.04 | 0.26 |
SARKY.E | SARKUYSAN ELEKTROLITIK BAKIR SANAY | Industrials | Equity | 428612.86 | 0.24 |
ECILC.E | EIS ECZACIBASI ILAC SINAI VE FINAN | Consumer Staples | Equity | 416251.99 | 0.24 |
TABGD.E | TAB GIDA SANAYI VE TICARET AS | Consumer Discretionary | Equity | 404370.37 | 0.23 |
CANTE.E | CAN2 TERMIK AS | Utilities | Equity | 372081.13 | 0.21 |
GESAN.E | GIRISIM ELEKTRIK SANAYI TAAHUT VE | Industrials | Equity | 365331.41 | 0.21 |
EUPWR.E | EUROPOWER ENERJI & OTOMASYON TEKNO | Industrials | Equity | 356496.03 | 0.2 |
ISGYO.E | IS REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT TRUST | Real Estate | Equity | 356147.2 | 0.2 |
SMRTG.E | SMART GUNES ENERJISI TEKNOLOJILERI | Information Technology | Equity | 351229.8 | 0.2 |
AKFYE.E | AKFEN YENILENEBILIR ENERJI A.S. | Utilities | Equity | 329773.51 | 0.19 |
KRDMA.E | KARDEMIR KARABUK DEMIR CELIK SANAY | Materials | Equity | 324370.43 | 0.18 |
YEOTK.E | YEO TEKNOLOJI ENERJI VE ENDUSTRI | Industrials | Equity | 321221.67 | 0.18 |
KCAER.E | KOCAER CELIK SANAYI VE TICARET AS | Materials | Equity | 309130.34 | 0.18 |
VERUS.E | VERUSA HOLDING | Financials | Equity | 308918.46 | 0.18 |
AKSEN.E | AKSA ENERJI URETIM A | Utilities | Equity | 295760.9 | 0.17 |
AKCNS.E | AKCANSA CIMENTO SANAYI VE TICARET | Materials | Equity | 290958.33 | 0.17 |
OYYAT.E | OYAK YATIRIM MENKUL DEGERLER | Financials | Equity | 277108.66 | 0.16 |
CWENE.E | CW ENERJI MUHENDISLIK TICARET VE S | Industrials | Equity | 274704.58 | 0.16 |
ANHYT.E | ANADOLU HAYAT EMEKLILIK A | Financials | Equity | 252534.98 | 0.14 |
JANTS.E | JANTSA JANT SANAYI VE TICARET | Industrials | Equity | 250859.96 | 0.14 |
KONYA.E | KONYA CIMENTO SANAYII A | Materials | Equity | 246888.44 | 0.14 |
BFREN.E | BOSCH FREN SISTEMLERI A | Consumer Discretionary | Equity | 246160.3 | 0.14 |
ECZYT.E | ECZACIBASI YATIRIM HOLDING ORTAKLI | Industrials | Equity | 244623.62 | 0.14 |
KORDS.E | KORDSA TEKNIK TEKSTIL A | Consumer Discretionary | Equity | 236527.57 | 0.13 |
KSTUR.E | KUSTUR KUSADASI TURIZM ENDUSTRI | Consumer Discretionary | Equity | 220477.76 | 0.13 |
SDTTR.E | SDT UZAY VE SAVUNMA TEKNOLOJILERI | Industrials | Equity | 215042.79 | 0.12 |
POLTK.E | POLITEKNIK METAL SANAYI VE TICARET | Materials | Equity | 213828.89 | 0.12 |
ALFAS.E | ALFA SOLAR ENERJI SANAYI VE TICARE | Information Technology | Equity | 211804.14 | 0.12 |
LYDHO.E | LYDIA HOLDING A.S. | Real Estate | Equity | 200824.6 | 0.11 |
KLSER.E | KALESERAMIK CANAKKALE KALEBODUR SE | Industrials | Equity | 197291.68 | 0.11 |
AGROT.E | AGROTECH YUKSEK TEKNOLOJI VE YATIR | Consumer Staples | Equity | 159397.67 | 0.09 |
REEDR.E | REEDER TEKNOLOJI SANAYI VE TICARET | Information Technology | Equity | 145506.34 | 0.08 |
XTSLA | BLK CSH FND TREASURY SL AGENCY | Cash and/or Derivatives | Money Market | 30000.0 | 0.02 |
TRY | TRY CASH | Cash and/or Derivatives | Cash | 24573.46 | 0.01 |
ENKAI.E | ENKA INSAAT VE SANAYI A | Industrials | Equity | 1.48 | 0.0 |
USD | USD CASH | Cash and/or Derivatives | Cash | -65862.28 | -0.04 |
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