ETF constituents for VEGI

Below, a list of constituents for VEGI (iShares MSCI Agriculture Producers ETF) is shown. In total, VEGI consists of 168 securities.

Note: The data shown here is as of date Dec 31, 2024 (the latest that can be sourced directly from the fund provider).

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Ticker Name Sector Asset Class Market Value Weight (%)
DE DEERE Industrials Equity 24749922.6 26.51
CTVA CORTEVA INC Materials Equity 8751318.72 9.37
NTR NUTRIEN LTD Materials Equity 5132426.65 5.5
ADM ARCHER DANIELS MIDLAND Consumer Staples Equity 4457868.48 4.77
CF CF INDUSTRIES HOLDINGS INC Materials Equity 3081597.6 3.3
6326 KUBOTA CORP Industrials Equity 2337173.39 2.5
CNH CNH INDUSTRIAL N.V. NV Industrials Equity 2160604.6 2.31
BG BUNGE GLOBAL SA Consumer Staples Equity 1988804.48 2.13
MOWI MOWI Consumer Staples Equity 1824558.56 1.95
MOS MOSAIC Materials Equity 1725258.15 1.85
LW LAMB WESTON HOLDINGS INC Consumer Staples Equity 1682614.5 1.8
INGR INGREDION INC Consumer Staples Equity 1681586.2 1.8
TTC TORO Industrials Equity 1652990.88 1.77
2280 ALMARAI Consumer Staples Equity 1526320.26 1.63
2020 SABIC AGRI-NUTRIENTS Materials Equity 1429008.61 1.53
TATACONSUM TATA CONSUMER PRODUCTS LTD Consumer Staples Equity 1393484.99 1.49
DAR DARLING INGREDIENTS INC Consumer Staples Equity 1295190.0 1.39
288 WH GROUP LTD Consumer Staples Equity 1284567.16 1.38
AGCO AGCO CORP Industrials Equity 1223949.37 1.31
CALM CAL MAINE FOODS INC Consumer Staples Equity 960167.52 1.03
ICL ICL GROUP LTD Materials Equity 949684.63 1.02
YAR YARA INTERNATIONAL Materials Equity 946825.4 1.01
F34 WILMAR INTERNATIONAL LTD Consumer Staples Equity 929664.46 1.0
FMC FMC CORP Materials Equity 912124.8 0.98
SALM SALMAR Consumer Staples Equity 677798.31 0.73
CWK CRANSWICK PLC Consumer Staples Equity 673936.47 0.72
UPL UPL LTD Materials Equity 634997.89 0.68
PIIND P.I. INDUSTRIES LTD Materials Equity 598923.51 0.64
SMG SCOTTS MIRACLE GRO Materials Equity 577335.94 0.62
BAKKA BAKKAFROST Consumer Staples Equity 551337.1 0.59
2282 NH FOODS LTD Consumer Staples Equity 521547.39 0.56
PPC PILGRIMS PRIDE CORP Consumer Staples Equity 499592.85 0.54
CPF.R CHAROEN POKPHAND FOODS NON-VOTING Consumer Staples Equity 465644.33 0.5
SDF K S N AG Materials Equity 452554.53 0.48
KLK KUALA LUMPUR KEPONG Consumer Staples Equity 448277.85 0.48
SDG SD GUTHRIE Consumer Staples Equity 446604.03 0.48
IOICORP IOI CORPORATION Consumer Staples Equity 422734.9 0.45
CPIN CHAROEN POKPHAND INDONESIA Consumer Staples Equity 410111.02 0.44
ALG ALAMO GROUP INC Industrials Equity 385330.4 0.41
BRFS3 BRF BRASIL FOODS SA Consumer Staples Equity 369683.02 0.4
HUSQ B HUSQVARNA Industrials Equity 349982.1 0.37
QL QL RESOURCES Consumer Staples Equity 339056.73 0.36
002714 MUYUAN FOODS LTD A Consumer Staples Equity 325556.39 0.35
LNN LINDSAY CORP Industrials Equity 286662.16 0.31
600887 INNER MONGOLIA YILI INDUSTRIAL GRO Consumer Staples Equity 281675.84 0.3
LSG LEROY SEAFOOD GROUP Consumer Staples Equity 261555.61 0.28
OCI OCI NV Materials Equity 242515.85 0.26
MFI MAPLE LEAF FOODS INC Consumer Staples Equity 240644.09 0.26
E5H GOLDEN AGRI RESOURCES LTD Consumer Staples Equity 236277.73 0.25
FDP FRESH DEL MONTE PRODUCE INC Consumer Staples Equity 236125.9 0.25
ILCO ISRAEL CORPORATION LTD Materials Equity 234044.89 0.25
VITL VITAL FARMS INC Consumer Staples Equity 217402.48 0.23
6010 NATIONAL AGRICULTURE DEVELOPMENT Consumer Staples Equity 216448.51 0.23
UTDPLT UNITED PLANTATIONS Consumer Staples Equity 206170.02 0.22
1722 TAIWAN FERTILIZER LTD Materials Equity 199960.41 0.21
XTSLA BLK CSH FND TREASURY SL AGENCY Cash and/or Derivatives Money Market 180000.0 0.19
ELD ELDERS LTD Consumer Staples Equity 178238.26 0.19
300498 WENS FOODSTUFF GROUP LTD Consumer Staples Equity 174167.13 0.19
AUSS AUSTEVOLL SEAFOOD Consumer Staples Equity 172738.33 0.19
NUF NUFARM LTD Materials Equity 164831.9 0.18
EIDPARRY EID PARRY INDIA LTD Materials Equity 162925.14 0.17
1333 MARUHA NICHIRO CORP Consumer Staples Equity 155610.92 0.17
BAYERCROP BAYER CROPSCIENCE LTD Materials Equity 150419.56 0.16
ING INGHAMS GROUP LTD Consumer Staples Equity 149081.17 0.16
000792 QINGHAI SALT LAKE INDUSTRY LTD A Materials Equity 147356.34 0.16
SUMICHEM SUMITOMO CHEMICAL INDIA LTD Materials Equity 142888.88 0.15
000895 HENAN SHUANGHUI INVESTMENT & DEVEL Consumer Staples Equity 142437.16 0.15
SZU SUEDZUCKER AG Consumer Staples Equity 133236.86 0.14
1377 SAKATA SEED CORP Consumer Staples Equity 133101.66 0.14
JPFA JAPFA COMFEED INDONESIA Consumer Staples Equity 131840.0 0.14
GUBRF.E GUBRE FABRIKALARI A Materials Equity 129490.53 0.14
BALRAMCHIN BALRAMPUR CHINI MILLS LTD Consumer Staples Equity 122905.57 0.13
EB5 FIRST RESOURCES LTD Consumer Staples Equity 117470.75 0.13
SMTO3 SAO MARTINHO SA Consumer Staples Equity 115635.31 0.12
SLCE3 SLC AGRICOLA SA Consumer Staples Equity 113388.74 0.12
AFN AG GROWTH INTERNATIONAL INC Industrials Equity 102317.39 0.11
6250 YAMABIKO CORP Industrials Equity 101466.74 0.11
1712 SINON CORP Materials Equity 100747.6 0.11
TWI TITAN INTERNATIONAL INC Industrials Equity 95050.2 0.1
1610 COFCO JOYCOME FOODS LTD Consumer Staples Equity 93517.29 0.1
3983 CHINA BLUECHEMICAL LTD H Materials Equity 84497.21 0.09
000408 ZANGGE MINING LTD A Materials Equity 82812.68 0.09
1215 CHAROEN POKPHAND ENTERPRISE(TAIWAN Consumer Staples Equity 82702.92 0.09
RSI ROGERS SUGAR INC Consumer Staples Equity 80149.89 0.09
HEKTS.E HEKTAS TICARET A Materials Equity 75191.88 0.08
600426 SHANDONG HUALU-HENGSHENG CHEMICAL Materials Equity 74094.08 0.08
PARADEEP PARADEEP PHOSPHATES LTD Materials Equity 73647.27 0.08
4996 KUMIAI CHEMICAL INDUSTRY LTD Materials Equity 71446.09 0.08
BTG.R BETAGRO NON-VOTING DR PCL Consumer Staples Equity 70994.2 0.08
2281 PRIMA MEAT PACKERS LTD Consumer Staples Equity 70583.22 0.08
GENP GENTING PLANTATIONS Consumer Staples Equity 69891.95 0.07
TTEN3 TRES TENTOS AGROINDUSTRIAL SA Consumer Staples Equity 69834.94 0.07
600096 YUNNAN YUNTIANHUA LTD A Materials Equity 69100.86 0.07
1117 CHINA MODERN DAIRY HOLDINGS LTD Consumer Staples Equity 68596.55 0.07
OCE OCEANA GROUP LTD Consumer Staples Equity 68105.92 0.07
SSMS SAWIT SUMBERMAS SARANA Consumer Staples Equity 68029.34 0.07
38 FIRST TRACTOR LTD H Industrials Equity 66772.77 0.07
1866 CHINA XLX FERTILISER LTD Materials Equity 65738.3 0.07
2109 MITSUI DM SUGAR HOLDINGS LTD Consumer Staples Equity 65219.81 0.07
000876 NEW HOPE LIUHE LTD A Consumer Staples Equity 65127.26 0.07
GSF GRIEG SEAFOOD Consumer Staples Equity 61854.45 0.07
FFB FARM FRESH Consumer Staples Equity 59729.75 0.06
297 SINOFERT HOLDINGS LTD Materials Equity 57683.37 0.06
ABUK ABU QIR FERTILIZERS AND CHEMICAL I Materials Equity 57052.08 0.06
HEXTAR HEXTAR GLOBAL Materials Equity 55490.6 0.06
2913 TAIWAN TEA CORP Consumer Staples Equity 54821.32 0.06
ATT GRUPA AZOTY SA Materials Equity 54303.05 0.06
RENUKA SHREE RENUKA SUGARS LTD Consumer Staples Equity 50916.52 0.05
BLDN BALADNA COMPANY Consumer Staples Equity 48607.59 0.05
6070 AL JOUF AGRICULTURE DEVELOPMENT Consumer Staples Equity 45384.44 0.05
RALLIS RALLIS INDIA LTD Materials Equity 45077.89 0.05
BAJAJHIND BAJAJ HINDUSTHAN SUGAR LTD Consumer Staples Equity 44366.87 0.05
DHANUKA DHANUKA AGRITECH LTD Materials Equity 43676.28 0.05
600598 HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURE LTD A Consumer Staples Equity 41864.63 0.04
AGRO3 BRASILAGRO Consumer Staples Equity 40926.65 0.04
2281 TANMIAH FOOD Consumer Staples Equity 39413.56 0.04
KSCL KAVERI SEED COMPANY LTD Consumer Staples Equity 38369.29 0.04
EUR EUR CASH Cash and/or Derivatives Cash 38265.84 0.04
GAEL GUJARAT AMBUJA EXPORTS LTD Consumer Staples Equity 37148.33 0.04
TAANN TA ANN HOLDINGS Consumer Staples Equity 36510.07 0.04
SAR SAR CASH(COMMITTED) Cash and/or Derivatives Cash 35541.11 0.04
JPY JPY CASH Cash and/or Derivatives Cash 34266.94 0.04
003380 HARIM HOLDINGS LTD Consumer Staples Equity 33654.7 0.04
AALI ASTRA AGRO LESTARI Consumer Staples Equity 31223.21 0.03
GFPT.R GFPT NON-VOTING DR PCL Consumer Staples Equity 21480.22 0.02
MYR MYR CASH Cash and/or Derivatives Cash 18020.49 0.02
HBCFT CASH COLLATERAL EUR HBCFT Cash and/or Derivatives Cash Collateral and Margins 16545.6 0.02
016790 HYUNDAI FEED INC Consumer Staples Equity 13506.34 0.01
CNH CNH CASH Cash and/or Derivatives Cash 11269.41 0.01
AUD AUD CASH Cash and/or Derivatives Cash 9882.2 0.01
NOK NOK CASH Cash and/or Derivatives Cash 9695.79 0.01
HKD HKD CASH Cash and/or Derivatives Cash 9192.76 0.01
SEK SEK CASH Cash and/or Derivatives Cash 5742.5 0.01
ZAR ZAR CASH Cash and/or Derivatives Cash 4634.32 0.0
CAD CAD CASH Cash and/or Derivatives Cash 4597.78 0.0
BRL BRL CASH Cash and/or Derivatives Cash 4164.74 0.0
EGP EGP CASH Cash and/or Derivatives Cash 2594.52 0.0
CLP CLP CASH Cash and/or Derivatives Cash 2417.62 0.0
KRW KRW CASH Cash and/or Derivatives Cash 2412.36 0.0
GBP GBP CASH Cash and/or Derivatives Cash 2358.91 0.0
PLN PLN CASH Cash and/or Derivatives Cash 2346.09 0.0
SGD SGD CASH Cash and/or Derivatives Cash 2326.01 0.0
ILS ILS CASH Cash and/or Derivatives Cash 2236.31 0.0
TRY TRY CASH Cash and/or Derivatives Cash 2155.5 0.0
TWD TWD CASH Cash and/or Derivatives Cash 1638.26 0.0
INR INR CASH Cash and/or Derivatives Cash 1495.74 0.0
MXN MXN CASH Cash and/or Derivatives Cash 24.66 0.0
DKK DKK CASH Cash and/or Derivatives Cash 28.46 0.0
CHF CHF CASH Cash and/or Derivatives Cash 29.36 0.0
CNY CNY CASH Cash and/or Derivatives Cash 0.0 0.0
IDR IDR CASH Cash and/or Derivatives Cash 0.0 0.0
THB THB CASH Cash and/or Derivatives Cash 1.63 0.0
IIKP INTI AGRI RESOURCES Consumer Staples Equity 0.0 0.0
PHOJY PJSC PHOSAGRO GDR Materials Equity 0.0 0.0
AGRO ROS AGRO GDR PLC Consumer Staples Equity 0.56 0.0
PHOR PJSC PHOSAGRO GDR Materials Equity 1.36 0.0
VGH5 EURO STOXX 50 MAR 25 Cash and/or Derivatives Futures 0.0 0.0
USD USD CASH Cash and/or Derivatives Cash -112575.2 -0.12
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