Developer Metrics
Developer metrics for certain cryptocurrency refers to the activity on the code base of the cryptocurrency by the various developers. For example, on Github, hundreds of developers are working to improve a cryptocurrency such as bitcoin.
GITHUB_FORKS refers to the total number of forks that the repository of a cryptocurrency received on github.
GITHUB_STARS refers to the total number of stars that the repository of a cryptocurrency received on github.
GITHUB_SUBSCRIBERS refers to the total number of followers that the repository of a cryptocurrency has on github.
GITHUB_TOTAL_ISSUES refers to the total number of issues that a certain cryptocurrency repository has on github.
GITHUB_CLOSED_ISSUES refers to the total number of issues that a certain cryptocurrency repository has closed on github.
GITHUB_PULL_REQUESTS_MERGED is the number of pull requests that were merged by the maintainers of a repository of a cryptocurrency on github.
GITHUB_PULL_REQUEST_CONTRIBUTORS is the number of number of users that have contributed by pull requests on the cryptocurrencies' github repository.
GITHUB_CODE_ADDITIONS_4_WEEKS in the number of lines of code added in the past 4 weeks to the repository of the cryptocurrency on github.
GITHUB_CODE_DELETIONS_4_WEEKS in the number of lines of code removed in the past 4 weeks from the repository of the cryptocurrency on github.
GITHUB_COMMIT_COUNT_4_WEEKS is the total number of code commits to the github repository of the cryptocurrency.